CJB Bloodstone Mushroom Tension Tamer – Cecily Braden Spa & Wellness

CJB Bloodstone Mushroom | Tension Tamer by Cecily Braden
Receive FREE eco-protective Zipper Pouch with purchase of 2 CJB Gemstone Mushrooms (mix n’ match). Made from recycled/recyclable materials.

Sold Separately (1pc per order). 1 mushroom is sufficient for self-care, while 2pc is recommended for professional use when working on clients, or if you intend to warm, so you can alternate as they cool down. 

Contraindicated for pregnancy. 

Toning and melting muscle tension in the shoulders, neck and face is the intention of the Bloodstone Mushroom Tension Tamer.

Bloodstone is a blood purifier. It has an affinity for invigorating and breaking up blood stagnation and nourishing the blood. It’s connected to the Bao Mai channel, which has a strong “emotional connotation.” As always, when we relieve tension (physical and emotional) and increase micro-circulation, it creates a chain reaction that oxygenates the skin and increases cell activity to bring about a healthy glow and give freedom to the tissue to breathe and function more properly.

Additionally, it helps stimulate lymph flow to purify the tissue, which in turn increases collagen and elastin production and the beginning of a flurry of cell activity to renew and rejuvenate the skin.

Use: It’s recommended to use 2 per person and apply simultaneously on the left and right sides. Warm prior to use in the HerbalSteam Pro, hot towel cabinet, or by running under or immersing in hot water. Use caution with all methods of warming the stone.

Note: This page contains copyrighted material. DO NOT COPY without express written permission.

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CJB Bloodstone Mushroom | Tension Tamer by Cecily Braden
Receive FREE eco-protective Zipper Pouch with purchase of 2 CJB Gemstone Mushrooms (mix n’ match). Made from recycled/recyclable materials.

Sold Separately (1pc per order). 1 mushroom is sufficient for self-care, while 2pc is recommended for professional use when working on clients, or if you intend to warm, so you can alternate as they cool down. 

Contraindicated for pregnancy. 

Toning and melting muscle tension in the shoulders, neck and face is the intention of the Bloodstone Mushroom Tension Tamer.

Bloodstone is a blood purifier. It has an affinity for invigorating and breaking up blood stagnation and nourishing the blood. It’s connected to the Bao Mai channel, which has a strong “emotional connotation.” As always, when we relieve tension (physical and emotional) and increase micro-circulation, it creates a chain reaction that oxygenates the skin and increases cell activity to bring about a healthy glow and give freedom to the tissue to breathe and function more properly.

Additionally, it helps stimulate lymph flow to purify the tissue, which in turn increases collagen and elastin production and the beginning of a flurry of cell activity to renew and rejuvenate the skin.

Use: It’s recommended to use 2 per person and apply simultaneously on the left and right sides. Warm prior to use in the HerbalSteam Pro, hot towel cabinet, or by running under or immersing in hot water. Use caution with all methods of warming the stone.

Note: This page contains copyrighted material. DO NOT COPY without express written permission.

  • Invigorates and breaks-up blood stagnation
  • Induces movement of blood & fluids (phlegm, lymph)
  • Relieves tension, stress (physical & emotional)
  • Release deeply held emotions (open Bao Mai Channel)
  • Diminish jaw & brow tension; TMJ
  • Headaches relax tight muscles, relieve joint pain blood purifier
  • Increase circulation
  • Clear heat promotes benevolence
  • PTSD